English Tips
TOEIC PART5 実力判定模試③
Posted on 2019.08.16
21) There are _________ more prospective customers in the northern part of the country than in the southern regions.
a) much
b) very
c) many
d) fewer
22) Shoppers looking for quality clothing at low prices will find more value and a ________ selection at H&N store in Whitewood Mall.
a) greatness
b) greater
c) greatly
d) greatest
23) Anyone who needs an ID card must visit the security office, which is _______ to the main auditorium.
a) near
b) adjacent
c) toward
d) following
24) The _________ temperatures have made it impossible to live comfortably without air conditioners in Vancouver.
a) soaring
b) plunging
c) raising
d) exiting
25) TransLink is planning to improve the frequency of bus services in Metro Vancouver so as to accommodate the _____ in ridership.
a) increase
b) increasing
c) increased
d) increasingly
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